Migrating from Galleon to Another Tezos Wallet

If you’re a Galleon wallet user looking to transfer your account to a different Tezos wallet, you can do so by exporting your private keys.

Here’s how:

  1. Open Your Galleon Wallet:
  • Start by selecting your existing wallet file.
  • Enter your passphrase.
  1. Select Key Icon:
  • Look for the key icon next to your manager address and click on it.
  1. View Private Key:
  • Re-enter your wallet password.
  • Your private key will be displayed, labeled as “secret key” in Galleon.
  1. Secure Your Private Key:
  1. Import Key To Your New Tezos Wallet:
  • Find the “import Private Key” functionality in your new Tezos wallet to access your account.

:warning: Important: Always remember that it’s never safe to share your private key with anyone. Keep it confidential to ensure the safety of your funds and assets.

While we don’t endorse any specific Tezos wallet, there are many available. Make sure to research and select one that fits your needs and has strong security measures.

Here is a list of some wallets: https://tezos.com/learn/store-and-use/

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How can you migrate from Galleon to Kukai ?


Do i need to move the delegated coins to the manager address before importing to the new wallet?


We strongly recommend that you only move your funds to a desktop wallet such as Umami.

No, you do not. As long as the new wallet software supports delegated accounts, you will be fine.

I can not see my Tezos delegations in Galleon wallet.

I want try to migrate them to a different wallet, but since I work trough a Ledger, I can not view my private keys in galleon wallet as you suggest, so I don´t know how to complete the migration. I need help ASAP!!! My delegation baker is closed, so I need to get back my Tezos urgently.

Your private key resides on your Ledger. You can use Umami with your Ledger to look at your balance.