Unable to send XTZ

I don’t understand why I am getting this message:
backtracked, failed(temporary: proto.015-PtLimaPt.contract.balance_too_low), (temporary: proto.015-PtLimaPt.tez.subtraction_underflow)

This error means that there was not enough funds in your account to cover the transaction fee. Please double check the fee and try again.

Hi Navi,
It showed a small balance, So I tried a couple more times taking less out. The balance got bigger, but would not let transaction go through! How much balance do I have to leave?

I’m seeing at one point the minimum balance was 0.257 tez https://cryptonomic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060806831-Why-am-I-getting-a-contract-balance-too-low-or-contract-balance-too-low-error-

I’m uncertain if the minimum has changed in recent protocols for Tezos but I would try atleast this amount first

Hi Navi,
Sorry to bother you again! I am getting another message. Invalid checksum. What is this?

Unfortunately I haven’t seen this error before :(.

I asked the team to take a look and will get back to you. Thanks for sticking by while we take a look :pray:

Hi, @TapK787
Are you using the latest version on Galleon?

Hi Navi,
I am using 1.5.3 (62).

Hi Tim, I tried and successfully executed several transfers over the last couple of days with the same version of Galleon. I’m unfortunately not able to reproduce the issue you’re seeing. One thing i would try is sending out a slightly smaller amount. Set the fee to 0.00142 xtz and leave behind some small amount of xtz.

Got it! Thank you for your help Mike

do you mean that you tried again and it worked?

The transaction went through